Wednesday, January 9, 2008

The Temples of Damanhur

[originally uploaded to flickr by maxtizano]

Egyptian Wall Paintings

Hall of Mirrors

Hall of the Earth

The Subterranean Temples of Humankind
[originally uploaded to flickr by albill]

Sounding more like something from a fantasy fiction novel or an Indiana Jones plotline, a modern Domus Aureus has been developed some 20km from Turin in enormous underground chambers that were uknown to the Italian authorities prior to a few years ago.

A former insurance agent by the name of Oberto Airaudi ('Falco') had known since childhood that he wanted to construct subterranean temples and began excavation work in 1978 with a group of similarly spirited people to make his visions a reality.

It seems to be about halfway between cult and commune and there is now a whole community, complete with university and shops and eco-friendly houses.

"The TEMPLES OF HUMANKIND are a pathway to the Divine, towards contact with Forces that are collaborating in the creation of a new future for Humanity."

The temples of Damanhur via the Daily Mail.
The federation of Damanhur.
Flickr - 'damanhur'.

Freaky stuff.

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